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Domaine des Oliviers
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 Legal notices and photos

Company owner of the website :
SCEA Domaines des Sources et Forêts de Provence
Domaines des Sources et des Oliviers
Le Petit Saint Jean de l'Estérel
Saint Jean de l'Estérel - 83600 FRÉJUS - FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0)4 98 12 71 48
Fax : +33 (0)4 94 52 31 25

Creation of the website :
Agence Tag SARL - 12 Rue Jean Canavèse - 06100 Nice
Host :
1&1 Internet SARL 7, place de la Gare - 57201 Sarreguemines
Copyright : In application of the French code of the intellectual property and more generally, the treaties and international agreements containing measures relative to the protection of the copyright, you will refrain to reproduce for another use than private aim, also to sell, to distribute, to emit, to broadcast, to adapt, to modify, to publish, to communicate entirely or partially in any form whatsoever the data,
  the presentation or organization of the website without the prior written authorization of the SCEA Domaine des Sources et Forêts de Provence, Domaine des Sources et des Oliviers.

French Legislation relative to the access right in the data file:
According to the French law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978, relative to the liberties (CNIL), every user having given evidence on this site to the directly or indirectly name specific information, can ask for the communication concerning it by addressing in : SCEA Domaine des Sources et Forêts de Provence and make them rectify if necessary.

Last update : June 2012

Photos : Photos Domain : 3Mille - E. Pinel
Illustrative photos : Fotolia.fr - © - Gilspictures - Gianliguori - Paty Wingrove - Paul Maguire - Mick200 - D. Bonnon - Eventimages21 - Sashkin - Aragami - Aragami - I. Klimov - Solivo - A. Giampiccolo - Pinosub - J. Palut - Razvanmatei - Photos landscape : V. Klaric

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83600 Saint Jean de Cannes - FRANCE
Phone +33 (0)4 98 12 71 48
Mail : contact@domaines-de-provence.com
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